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Bookreview "The Essex Serpent" by Sarah Perry

Hey guys,
sorry for being away for so Long. There were stuff I was handling with in my private life. Anyway, let us move on to a new bookreview.

London 1893.When Cora Seaborne´s husband dies, she steps into her new life as a widow with as much relief as sadness.Retreating to the countryside with her son, she Encounters rumours of ´Essex Serpent´, a creature of Folklore said to have returned to roam the marshes. Cora is enthralled, believing it may be an undiscovered species. Setting out on its  Trail, she collides with William Ransome, Aldwinter´s vicar, who thinks the Cure for hysteria lies in faith, while Cora is convinced that science offers the aanswers. Despite disagreeing on everything, he and Cora find find themselves drawn together, changing each others lifes in unexpected ways.


Cliche Lovestory? No. This is a book in which love is used perfectly to Show how our ancestors got to this Moments Knowledge.
Ok, lets start slowly.
My first taught while reading this book was "how will a love evolve between the main characters?" .
I think you could ask yourself this but it will not lead to an answer on here.
But what is more important, the author embodied science and Religion.
So Maybe this gives you a hint😜. Go  on and find it out the book is definitely worth reading if you can stay until the end.

Because the beginning was a Little boring I gave 4 of 5 Points.


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